pizza fri-yay!

Ever since I can remember my family would always resort to pizza for Friday night dinner. I actually believed at one point that all families have pizza on Fridays. Turns out, they don’t. Some actually have pizza on Tuesday nights. Which is totally cool but if you know me, I like consistency and pizza on a Friday evening is something I look forward to every week.

I mean I do change up my order from week to week. I’m not exactly like Sheldon Cooper ordering the same exact take out meal prepared exactly the same way every time. I do like variety.

If we’re lucky, sometimes we order pizza from a special place. A place that is extremely delicious but just a little bit out of reach for a rush hour Friday drive. We heard of Sciortino’s in South Amboy from a family friend. They told us that it is their FAVORITE pizza. So, we had to give it a try.

sweet pizza pie

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