top o’ the morning to ya

Unfortunately, my friend, Maria lives pretty far from me and I wish she lived around the corner so that we could see each other more often. Fortunately, she has many good places by her to eat! Like this one, The Twisted Elm in Elmwood Park, NJ. So a group of girls, who love each other a brunch, decided to get together.

the twisted elm

From the outside, this place doesn’t look like it’s going to be anything special, but once you walk inside your completely transported to a quaint, rustic, dining area. The place’s decor has its own little quirks, like different colored mugs, but it just adds to the place’s authentic charm.

Continue reading “top o’ the morning to ya”

croissanting my mind

July 27, 2015

On Sunday morning, I woke up and I thought “I really want a spinach and feta croissant from the Stockton Market”. Is that normal? Do people really crave these indulgent foods at 8:00am in the morning? Now, I had no plans to drive the forty minutes over to this market but it was nice to fantasize. I continue on with my normal weekend routine, getting up early and going to the gym. I mean, I have to go to the gym with all of this food that I’m eating! After the gym, I called up my mom because I had this inkling, this feeling, this gut feeling that she had gone to Stockton Market that morning. I’m not saying I’m psychic or anything but I think I might be psychic. After some casual chit-chat, she told me that she and my dad went to the Stockton Market and she picked me up a spinach and feta croissant!! Do parents get any better? No, I really don’t think so.

So, after the gym, I drive home. I try to control myself, act casual. I explore what’s around the house, see what else my parents bought from the market.


Like these beets. Look at those babies. Is that for real??

But then I locate THE bag. The bag from the Crossroads Bakery table at the Stockton Market. The bag that holds all the fresh pastries that my parents have purchased. The bag that holds my spinach and feta croissant. The bag that holds my happiness.

Oh I think “I’ll just have a piece and have the rest tomorrow”. So, I cut a piece.

Crossroads Bakery Spinach and Feta Croissant
Crossroads Bakery Spinach and Feta Croissant

The croissant is flakey, buttery, chewy but also crunchy on the top. Inside, is the perfect about of spinach and feta. You can actually see the chunks of feta which makes me very happy. The croissant is completely savory. Who am I kidding? Cutting myself a piece is a joke. I ate the whole thing and I loved every bite. The spinach and feta croissant started as a fantasy, became a reality, and now it’s a memory. Until next time!

This is my favorite food item to get when visiting the Stockton Market. However, I’ve had fresh juice, salsa, bone broth, all sorts of lavender products, pulled BBQ chicken all which top the charts. All which knock it out of the park for me. So it’s worth heading over. Plus afterwards (or before), you could walk or ride your bike along the Delaware River. It’s the perfect thing to do on a beautiful Sunday.

For more information visit, Stockton Farm Market.

i mean, crumb on!

July 5, 2015

Can anyone really resist a good bakery? I know there’s plenty around New Jersey and every time my dad brings something home from one of them, I just can’t say no.

Dorsi's Bakery 479 Port reading Avenue Port Reading, NJ 07064
Dorsi’s Bakery
479 Port reading Avenue
Port Reading, NJ 07064

When you see this on your kitchen counter, the fun has only just begun, right? I mean aside from trying to wrestle with the strings in order to open the box only to eventually get scissors out so you can cut the string off, there’s actually a treat inside! Continue reading “i mean, crumb on!”

you donut want to pass this up

June 28, 2015

So, while my brother, Michael, and I were watching endless Food Network shows about guilty food pleasures and crazy meals one night, he decided to show me a picture of donuts that his friend bought for his family to enjoy. Which, of course, like most food pictures leave me with raging cravings Continue reading “you donut want to pass this up”